Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How do u noe when a man is serious about u? (written by a girl...not me)

With sincerity in his voice, he tells you softly and gently that he loves you. He continues by saying you mean the world to him. He may even tell you that not a day goes by that he isn’t thinking about you. It seems that everything you are interested in… HE’S interested in. He’s always ready to take you somewhere exciting… the nearest theme park, the theater, boating, rock concert, opera, nightclubs. His money is easily spent on you… rings and other jewelry, gifts, flowers, cards.

Oooops! I misunderstood the question… forget everything I wrote above!

Hehe...klu nk bace lagi click la link nie...aku x ske post sgale bnde yg dtulis oleh org laen sbb bkn aku yg tulis....So, nah...original link...

Bace la...harap korang btol2 bace. Xde rugi pon. Juz mase je la. Tp slalu klu da korang bace, msti ade mase kan...n korang x wat pape kn...hehehe...

Credits to the original blog writer Zera Charmer. Thank you for reading. =)


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